FlashRunner III Series
FlashRunner III Series
Easy Integration in Programming Lines (ATE, ICT, Test Fixtures).
Include all the programming algorithms for a selected silicon producer.

Fast programming algorithms;
Easy ATE integration;
Standalone operations (projects and code images stored on a memory card, FAT16 compatible);
Controllable by any host system via RS-232;
Supports most ISP protocols (BDM, JTAG, SPI, I2C, MON, ICC, SCI, etc.);
Flexible and fully configurable;
Compact and robust design for production environment;
Data integrity guaranteed.
FlashRunner III supports only one Silicon Manufacturer chosen from the device list.
Hardware Features
Power supply input 7.5V DC;
Five digital I/O lines;
Two digital I/O or analog output lines;
One programmable output voltage (0 to 5.5V, 0.5A);
Oneprogrammable clock output;
Secure Digital memory card (up to 2 GB);
I/O protection;
One command input (START);
Three status outputs (FAIL, PASS, BUSY);
RS-232 channel.
FlashRunner’s open architecture makes its firmware easily upgradable to support new features.
Software Features
FlashRunner comes with a Windows utility that allows you to communicate with the instrument and perform the most common operations: send commands, manage SD card files, update the instrument’s firmware, etc.
ASCII-based commands used to control and setup.
Two ways to receive and execute commands:
Over the RS-232 connection (controlled by a host system (e.g. Windows HyperTerminal);
Via “scripts” stored in its SD card (Standalone mode).
SD memory card (FAT16).